This month, Arab Academy is featuring Beth Ellen from the USA. Beth joined our classroom program in Cairo for 4 weeks. Read on to hear about her experience learning Arabic.

Why did you choose to learn Arabic?

For my work.

Why did you choose to learn at Arab Academy?

Because I found the online classes and I liked the structure and material. So, I decided to try the center in person as well.

How has learning Arabic impacted your life? 

Learning Egyptian Arabic has allowed me to be friends with more people and to function mostly independently.

Has Arab Academy changed or impacted your life in any other way?  If so, how?

Yes, Arab Academy impacted my life by opening Egypt to me, the language, friends, foods to try, and some cultural insights.

How Arab Academy is unique compared to other language centers/ online courses you have tried?

I haven’t studied in any other language center but I think that dividing the class into 4 sections with different subjects is very smart. It’s easier to learn and I never got bored once.

What would you tell someone who is interested in learning Arabic, but hasn’t yet tried it out?

Do it, it’s possible and so rewarding, it will open up so many doors of friendship to you.